Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fair Weather Friend

My fair weather friend. Have you thought of those season friends or relationships that comes and with its season seems to go.   Sometimes I feel that I can only understand there purpose when there no longer close in connection... But God... Stop and think of how well he orcherstrates everthing.   Hummm he has the bigger plan even when we can't see it.. So they say a storm is to come heavy rain.. Funny cause I had a dream of a flood earlier this month.  I'm not worried because I know that God has me... Isn't that something to be in the company of a King and he sees it so fit to care about you.   So blessed and always with that blessing you are to be a blessing.   Isn't that something too he just doesn't bless you so you can just parade around being richer than Solomon but only to be a blessing.  God may fill fit to bless you because there's a lack in the land so he's sending you to be that blessing and give its like he's looking for someone trust worthy  ;) My God is a God all about his people heart! That in us self is selfless.  What more can I say but lets live the God who has created all things.