Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My my my.. and I breath

Now it's been a year.  I have been writing this site for a year.  So busy with classes and this is only my second week of classes, but all of my classes are for my major and I find that thrilling.  One of the best things about my life right now is that I have found out that God has given me the grace to do my best in the things that he has entrusted me with and get this, that means everything. 
I'm having an exciting Senor year and I have decided to just enjoy everything and just try with all that I do don't worry about how old I am just live life to the fullest.  Its seem that some how or another I have lost that goal along the way but I have found it and I'm picking it us to start a new year with breathing in enjoyment.  Think about that to breath in enjoyment, what does that even look like in to day society because so may people are just not happy with where they are personally at.  Well for the most part it starts with a little imagination, and than it starts with hope and love and breathing in your surroundings actually looking and saying wow this right here is amazing. 

Soon out of no action of your own you will stumble on some wonderful adventures.  So if you dare, please just breath with me.