Friday, April 11, 2014

It's been such a long time that I have had the freedom to just write.  Yes I said have the freedom because I can write but mostly its just been school papers.  Which are very draining and I find myself overwhelmed at times.  So I decided to increase my time on the blogger world of writing.  I always find it so much easier to just write on here with no problems the creativitiy just flows and something magical happens.  Perhaps it's the no rules thing, you guys aren't into my missed spelled works, or senctencs structure.  Your only interested in my thoughts, dreams, goals, emotions.  So I can give you that....

I'm a working girl that has dreams like you won't believe.  My heart has changed so much over the years of me starting this blog. I formed some friendships that have been a blessing to me in so many ways.  Also I've let some friendships and loves go.  I'm making a differences and not because of some magical connections just because I dare to look outside myself to see the bigger picture.  Have you dared to look outside lately to see how things are going, are there changes you should be making to make thing better in your life.  If so Do Them,  a wise lady by the name of Cindy Trimm re quoted, "If it can be done today then Do it".  Be in the Doing of things don't waite becaues now is the time soooo I write it NOW!! Enjoy your day.