Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Villain In Me

It seems to be a blessing to be in an open environment at work where you, no longer have to duck and hide from people ready to stab you in the back.  So why am I still in fight mode after all this time you think I would have recover from the hurt and the pain of the job before.  9 years and 8months of living hell for the most part, but now that I take a real good look at myself I am no longer being the victim it seems as if I have become the villain.   I easily and careless inflict pain to whoever I’m near.  Words that spit out with no control.  It’s like I’m finally free to be me but I have twisted into this unrecognizable villain.  I can see myself I know I'm there but I can't get to me anymore.  The 9 years and 8months of fight mold has left me disfigured.   I'm finally sick of what I've become and today I must stop.  It’s not easy, and I must be aware of my tongue at all time's before it causes pain to the one's I dearly love.  It’s not easy, and I must be aware of my tongue at all times before it causes me to slip in villain mode.

Signing out The Villain in Me

1 comment:

  1. The realization that we are guilty of this is the first step to changing! I know I'm careless with my tongue all the time and I hate it too!!!! Something I was just reminded of that is so perfectly true is that God uses our circumstances to change us. We realize how we fall short in an area say, our loose lips, and then God uses that to bring us to point of change. We need to be and are, in a process of constant change! This is a good thing. As long as we are willing to not stay the same, God can work with us!!!

    So don't beat yourself up too much and embrace the challenge to change. Just remember it is not you who has to make yourself better it is just letting Christ who already lives within you to rise to the surface of your life. It is just letting yourself die. And He will live and speak through you.

    Great post girly! :)))))

