Friday, April 20, 2012

See you in My Dreams :)

         You where there so peaceful so smooth and more weight than I remember seeing you last. I was in all of you. Your mannerism hasn't changed your smile still looks the same. I was tickled by your look. My Dear Aunt Margie. It seems odd that I would dream of you.. Guess my mind is still on you. You left this earth last September on Labor day how very fitting to find your resting place on a day of rest for all who labor. I can still remember how you looked in my dream so happy so peaceful, on and on we talked on a farm. It remind me of the time when you told me about how you lived on a farm when you where younger. I must have hugged you a dozen times as your southern voice echo though my ears. Did I tell you I miss you? I miss sitting by you even if you where only just mostly sleeping. I miss how you looked up at me as you layed in your bed, my appears bring the biggest smile to your face when you realized who I was. I missed our conversations of the south you where my only connection to the southern and past world. I loved how you told me of all the adventures you had as a kid, telling me how my Great Grandfather travel around starting churches. Telling me how after your mother die, things seemed different and your father flocked to having a new wife, but still seemed to be empty inside. Oh how I love hearing about your trip to heaven and still even till the day you die you want to go back for good. The knitted comfort that would be our DNA that will never stop our family line was simple and true. We talked in my dream but I can't remember much about what. You laughed oh how I realize now how much I miss it. I miss your presents, but I had no tears this time because seeing you happy and laughing was the most beautiful thing in the world and I know finally you are happy in Heaven just like before.

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