Friday, September 21, 2012

Something BIG

You know how you have that feeling its like deep inside you that something great is coming.  I've been having this feeling now for a few weeks now and I can't explain it but to say that something great is coming.  I look at myself and my life and I'm in all of most of the things that I have done and still continue to do.  It seems as if all this time God has been telling me, No Shouting rather that the little things matter and that my best times are right NOW...  The moment your living in right now is he only moment you get to change, isn't that something.  I can't change yesterday or even last week, but I can change what happens today to change what happens tomorrow only by my actions on today.  So it's kind of like if I get ready for today and do the small things of today than that will help the small things of tomorrow a lot lighter, they will still be there but not at the intensity.

Now I have to be honest............ I have been in chill mold so much that it haves gotten in every avenue of my life.  It's like I was just waiting for the easy road in life until God woke me up this week and said wait a minute, baby girl this is as easy as its going to get, and then that made me look around and it wasn't so bad.  The things I had to pick up where so small but it was my chill mode that was killing them.  So if I do the little things perfect it will snowball to my life style. 

Now isn't that something everyone said you can 't be perfect, and we all know we can 't but can your life  style be?  Think on that can my life style be perfect event when I myself can not.  I think it can, what do you think.. This is something to make you exam your life and say hold up, I need this change its time to do some cleaning.  Because I will always make mistakes, but I can learn from them and from that I can make sure that I don't keep making those same mistake.  That is what makes you perfect.  It's not never making a mistake, but the ability to learn and than change from your mistakes.  

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