Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Am A Artist

March 5, 2012

            Another day has ended it seems to be so quick that I have a hard time catching up.   Did I tell you I’m an artist wow it sort of happen, well not really you know years of work..  I’m an artist wow I can see my Grandfather if he would be a live he would be so proud.  He was an artist as well and I still have some of his wonderful pieces.  You know sometimes I wonder if our elders can see our potential, because I couldn’t even spell but I could draw isn’t that something my grandfather seen me as an artist… This little skinny girl who almost die twice and he saw greatness out of me.  I remember once I had a fever I was little but all I remember seeing is red everything was red.  I remember my grandfather scoping me up like he was Superman and taking me out of my parents’ house and putting me in his big green Catholic.  He rolled all the windows down and drove to the nearest store and got me the biggest popsicle they had it was red of course.  He drove and drove and then my fever want down as I was enjoying my time with my grandfather.  I remember always being sick but he being there.  I guess that’s maybe why he wanted me to learn art.  I know now after taking some classes that he was trying to show me shapes of a picture.  I wish I could tell him I’m sorry that I could look at art the same way after he die.  It just was too hard and it hurt, but now it has become an outlet.  It’s like a dear friend, it keeps me busy.  I remember the last time when I saw my grandfather he had lost both of his legs but he was my grandfather I never was afraid of him I knew he could never walk again but, I love him even more.  I always ran up to him and hugged him and he would always pat me on the back.  I miss that so much I miss his smile and the feeling of getting a kiss on the check from his beard.  I miss that.  This year it will be 18yrs since he past my strong Superman Grandfather I miss him and I love him always and now just like him I can say I am an Artist. J

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