Monday, March 5, 2012


Dear God,
            I thank you for my babies.  Their now in your hands awaiting their arrival.  Waiting for the day that their Mommy and Daddy will find each other commit to a life together and than become one together .  To my future babies know that Mommy loves you so much and I thank God for you everyday.  Know that right now your mommy is preparing herself to be the best for you.  I thank God everyday for holding you in his hand.  My healthy babies.  I'll love your smiles, your wonderful baby smells, and the wonderful outfits I will one day be blessed to dress you in.  I can't wait to tell you about the Lord and how he love you and how he will never leave you.  The day when you accept God in to your heart that will fill my eyes with tears, but my heart with joy.Your Father and I will be pray warriors over you for years to come and you will see us as examples for a christian life.   
With love Always From your faith Speaking Mother...

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