Friday, September 7, 2012

Ipod Shuffle

So here I am again and I feel at this present time that writing this blog is my only signs of freedom.  My course loads are so small for the moment but I still feel the need to write.  It seem like every time I take a seat at the computer in the library all I want to do is write.  I'm chained to this computer for the next 2hrs trying to do a Lab that is so distance to me. 
As I think about everything in life and how just in this week we fought battles, and truly pray is the only way to find that internal peace.  Yesterday, well this morning because I work 3rd shift I was talking to a co-worker and for the moment we where talking about our spiritual walk with Christ, and I had to be honest because theses last couple of weeks I have felt distance.   Sitting and trying to understand how and why was I so far away from the God that I love with all of my heart, how did this happen? 
As we talked I realized that it had been all of my own doing.. I planted the seed thinking that its only that one song, and beside I love this one song what can it hurt.  But the reality is that this one song open the door to the next one song and before I knew it my whole play-list had changed.  I was no longer listing to "You Are Holy", but instead "Drop it Like it's Hot", dancing and getting the feel of what seemed like harmless human nature became my biggest thrist.  Now I didn't care and everything that I looked at had changed.
It seems that when something crazy happens in life that so simple and you think wow that could have been me it makes you wake up.  Than is when you step back and reevaluate whats really important in your life.  Being in that moment strong enough now to turn away repent, thank God for his grace and walk- it- out in God.

So in that moment its no longer can I stand but WILL I STAND!

I Will Stand and let go and Trust. 

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