Monday, September 24, 2012

There's Changes All Around ME! Week #1, Week 2 Love of Coures, to be Graded.

Some people say that they never see change.  I beg to differ, if you can't see change than you are not looking its just that simple. So I encourage you to LOOK........

Okay I looked out and what did I see.  I see change, I see people and I see love.  You know sometimes I can be so quick to judge thinking that no one is changing but me, but I look out for my funky little glasses and I see the world is changing.  We have all been here for sometimes and yes its so quick like a vapor in time.  But I see kindness.  This week I saw real people searching after a real God and there was something so attractive about that. The world of God is a powerful thing we just have to do ourselves a favor and get in it.  So I challenge you this week to read The Word of God!

Week two: October 3rd, 2012
Love of Course to be Graded
I'm told to just enjoy life!!! That's right God has informed me to just have fun and enjoy no more stressing on phone calls with who calls or who doesn't.  No more crying about bring single, no more looking at things so pitifully. God said look around and enjoy, enjoy life and the love that you have.  Remember where supposed to be happy in the little things. I'm truly feeling blessed for those who care.  I think that God places you with just the things you need at the right time that you need.  How can you love others when you can't even love the ones around you... Now think about that I have to be willing to love those who God has placed in my life right now... It could be animals for some, but think about it everyone has neighbor to love.  God's a genius because he wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves as ourselves... So it matters how you love you, it matters if you take the time love those near and far and allowing them in return to love you back.  It doesn't just happen, with God's help we make it happen.   Learning and changing daily... Love you all!! ;)

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