Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just Me

I can't be perfect, I make mistake, love people I shouldn't, I treat myself like I'm not worth it.  I see everything through blinded eyes.  I cry when I'm alone. I feel the emptiness of my soul and it shakes my nerves. I paint with fear but love snapping pictures when life is moving at a regular paces.  When I smile I light up everyones heart who is near.  I am not perfect, I was never met to be, I am just me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Never to Late to Honor A King

What brave Men and Women sacrifice before us all.  A simple form of wants, "I want to ride the front of the bus, I want to be seen as equal." It caused a movement, our want caused a sacrifice, our wants caused obedience.   Obedience is better than sacrifice, we hear these word in church but do we know them.  We can simply describe the mean in a educational way and come out with claps and whistles.  I'm amazed by the generation who lived before us the generation that obeyed first.  Obeyed and pray that was their model and it pushed past the cures of the generation before them, that captured them in chains.  So what will We leave behind. This generation that crossed the line through so many barriers.  We have it all, it was handed to us like a gift, like a token.  We've cash that in, our token for feelings and emotions. Our generation that has everything handed to us we are more selfish than our grandfathers.  We don't pray unless were pushed back by every demon that harmed us. We only sacrifice to get the new wants of clothing, or bedroom suit, and expensive vacation trips.  We don't obey, not elder, not parents, not even some of our friends.   So this is a War Cry for my generation let's Wake Up.  Let push pass our desires and dare to dream again.  Let's dream for new inventions, let's clean up our act and go on our knees and ask God for forgiveness. Our generation molds the generations to come.. Really so what are we saying, truly what are we doing. Lets get back to obeying and praying than our sacrifice will be a blessing to generations to come.  Only you and I can make this happen so let's start.
My words are inspired by a man who had a dream: Dr. Martin Luther King.

My Soul Mate

I see your face, I know your heart its been with my thought, you uncracked the code to my heart with every word you've spoken.  You are my dream, my lovely man, my soulmate, my all.  If only I could know you, but i only know you in my dreams as I scream for you to hold you again.  But it seems as if  my life and it's sins has caused a barricade of delays for us meeting, I'm sorry. But I still see you,  seeing you playing life as a deck of cards. Holding them, kissing them and winning with them over.  With me being Queen of Hearts, hard cord bottoms, so I hold my head hight and let the moon speak volumes, I know there is a God when I see the moon, so perfect yet so humble.   I will never forget all of my wonderful dreams that had me, dipping and diving to be next to you. One day we soon will meet, and you will always be my forever, true day dream my true love, my one and only, my soulmate.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Deal With Love Part One

O.k. in this crazy world people are often up for just shaking up.  O.k. still stay with me, now I see how my generation is we love to have things fast.  The cars, the schooling, the life, relationships just so fast, that we always end that relationship fast and hard.  Now let me say that this doesn't included everyone.  Ok now back to my deal with true love.  I was able to talk to this resident at my job. Her husband is very sick and they have to be seprated by the diffent skilled homes.  She tells me of her love for him, I love the one story how she said I started dating him in the 11grade , she said that she was actually seeing other guy untill she was trully in to him.  I thought about how I have that same thought with life. Dating openly untill I find that certain person.  She told me that when she dated these other guys she wasn't true in that relationship.  Untill she fell in love with her now husband.  She said I just like being around him and I could stand him.  She said that it wasn't that head over heals kind of stuff but that she just could stand him and enjoy hanging out with him.  Me, myself, I love so easly that I didn't think that I could love deep like that untill I talked to her.  She open my eyes becauses she still loved him just as much as she love just haning out with him, and now 75yrs in their marriage she still just wants to hanging with him. She just wants to be in his present, event just to sit and hold his hand.  So my quest with love is simple it more about me and what I want.  True love is simple you've got to love to be in that persons presents.  Just like God wants to be in our presents because he's in love with us.  Wow man I just got all of that...................... for real............................... So my deal with true love is I've got to want to be in your presents.  I got to want to lay by your bed side even if your in your late 80s and can't remember yesturday.  I want to be with you, holding your hands, feeding you, reading to you, and kissing you good night because our love is real, that love that's slow and last forever.

My Deal With Love Part Two

My deal with love part two: ok now love and a partner, you can't fine someone that can fullfill all your needs (phlli ,emanational).   But what your partner lacks your other relationships with your friends make up for it. Making you totally fulfilled with love. So its not about your partner after all.  It about all the relationships you have manage to keep a float, the relationships that you've, to no effort of your own has formed into something breath taking. We can't have it all anyway, but if we look at the whole picture. I mean all of it we will find that the people in our lives make us a total and complete package.


Sometimes people will never see the good in you because there to busy reminiscing over the bad thing.  Don't stop changing because one day before you know it they are wondering when did you become this wonderful person and you can say; oh over night?