Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Never to Late to Honor A King

What brave Men and Women sacrifice before us all.  A simple form of wants, "I want to ride the front of the bus, I want to be seen as equal." It caused a movement, our want caused a sacrifice, our wants caused obedience.   Obedience is better than sacrifice, we hear these word in church but do we know them.  We can simply describe the mean in a educational way and come out with claps and whistles.  I'm amazed by the generation who lived before us the generation that obeyed first.  Obeyed and pray that was their model and it pushed past the cures of the generation before them, that captured them in chains.  So what will We leave behind. This generation that crossed the line through so many barriers.  We have it all, it was handed to us like a gift, like a token.  We've cash that in, our token for feelings and emotions. Our generation that has everything handed to us we are more selfish than our grandfathers.  We don't pray unless were pushed back by every demon that harmed us. We only sacrifice to get the new wants of clothing, or bedroom suit, and expensive vacation trips.  We don't obey, not elder, not parents, not even some of our friends.   So this is a War Cry for my generation let's Wake Up.  Let push pass our desires and dare to dream again.  Let's dream for new inventions, let's clean up our act and go on our knees and ask God for forgiveness. Our generation molds the generations to come.. Really so what are we saying, truly what are we doing. Lets get back to obeying and praying than our sacrifice will be a blessing to generations to come.  Only you and I can make this happen so let's start.
My words are inspired by a man who had a dream: Dr. Martin Luther King.

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