Friday, April 13, 2012


If I just keep thanking God than I can't think about it.  My Dear Friend moving.  Man I'm hurting.  I'm hurting I'm trying to be strong but these tears keep coming.  I'm wishing and praying, but clearly it must be.  So here I am in the computer lab...with sunglasses on, as tears come streaming down. 
I thank God for he has places us on this planted in this world on this country at this state.  To form this bond to become so strong, and to understand life a little better.  I feel lucky, no blessed, truly blessed because wow if this special gift is so special and has grown to be such a beautiful friendship something that I couldn't even dream up.  But yet God seen it and allowed it and and knew that I needed it... It makes me think that what is to come is going to be so big and so beautiful and so special and so loving and giving.. What if I think of it as this way that this is only the beginning.  Wow I believe that this is from God, this is only the beginning.  He's got so much in store and if its anything like the last few year learning, hurting and loving than wow...  If I've learned anything its is that I must keep pushing and keep loving and keep being me because that, that is my testimony that is the only gift I can give. 
Philippians 2:1  So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfrot from love any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2. complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 

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