Monday, May 14, 2012


Me, You, We, Us.... I need you and you need me and we together make us. So simple I find myself just here looking, feeling, and wondering. How, why what could I do. God were you trying to talk to me. I couldn't sleep these last couple of days and I did pray, I did truly and I gave my heart. Than I heard the call as the rain ran down, so it seems as if someone has passed away. One of my born cosines but called Auntie by age. Her daughter just died two months ago and now she has also. Truly how do I feel i don't know. All I know is that life and dead come and I need to look more to the signs. I think that the patterns of a persons action can predict whats to happen... I'm not totally sure but I think anyway. So what now. How do I feel again? Only by you, I need you all of you family and friends you complete me you make me live. We become strong like bricks together holding up a building, because we are the body. I need the values that come out of us, I need the goals that make us and all of us together make God's perfect vision of life. But God if like I could erase all the words above and say you are my King. The beginning and the end, you have me no matter what you have me and love me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being my King. 

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