Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's Party Time!!

Last night was amazing  after a restless week well mostly because my work schedule changed from night shift to day shift, and I mean like real early 5am baby.  I had some time to adjust but this week was hard because every time I see the sunlight all I want to do is sleep.  Hopefully this week I can sleep like normal people.  OK so back to last night.  Its funny because I never fully focus on the party.  I just focus on the food and getting them there.   I have like little things planned and before I knew the party came together and thank God it did.  You know they say those who you hang around can have a big impact on you, and I feel that's so true.  I fill like no matter what you can't stop as a friend.  So you want to have friends so let me tell you it's hard work, very hard work, but the reward factor to that is having a family.  You work at things you want to work in your life and we all know what we do to things we don't want to work.....NOTHING.  It won't just happen you have to work at it.  I think that's what every elder said if you get a change to talk to them from time to time do, ask them questions I know I did when I worked at the home.   They had me really thinking.. I mean they have lived and can tell you how to understand it more what to focus on and how to make friendships work.  They tell you how important it is to have friends and how life is.  There's no special code to love believe me I have ask so many times, but the most thing that I realised is that sometime love comes when you least expected it and love is simple.  That's right its so simple it's just wanting to be with that person and see him and talk to him that's love and you know it just like when you know when its not you know when it is. 
SO like to our wonderful toast last night to a sweat fruit drink to the Next Chapter Of life.. Chapter 31 for me and its going to be amazing.

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