Friday, February 17, 2012

Just Pray

            The power of pray.  Wow, so, I have two times in a role this week seen God move with the power of pray.  It’s strange because I haven’t really prayed a lot.  Well I’ve pray here and there but never praying all the time.  I mean like continuously like all the time, lol I mean is that even possible. I use to think that was hard, I mean like real hard work, it has to be right, I mean who really have the time.  Oh I know Pastor’s and Deacons, oh yeah and Bishops.  They have to have time to pray their on the clock anyway, right.  It’s strange  how life and it always changing moments cause you to see something’s and than y0u know that pray is a must.  Now I know that praying continuously is something that can be obtained it’s just having a mindset.  The mindset praying first, not cursing or shouting out careless thoughts, just going there first and praying.  I use to think that I had to be in a physical  place, a place that would caused my heart to be humble, but that's not the case.  Having the mindset means that you can pray anywhere.  Now I know you need facts right, so here facts from one of the oldest books on the earth… The Bible.    A man by the name of David prayed to God all the time, before he want to battle, and listen to God’s voice and if he wasn’t sure he would ask God the same question again.  See David stopped praying after he got all the things that he wanted, and then  of course everyone knows he got into a lot of mess. Though everything with all the ups and the downs David returned back to prayer, and he became one of the greatest (well I’m convinced anyway) pray warriors.  David prayed and his prayers reached God’s heart. 

So back to reality, my life can it be done.  Can I really be this praying Diva? Can I really set my mind there, to set my mind on the things of God and start winning these spiritual battles through prayer?  So I have been personally challenged myself…  to not just pray the Lords pray or anything, but just to pray when I’m not sure of things.  Not the I’m in danger type of pray, but the type of praying that says I know I can’t do it on my own so I’m going to ask my father God what he thinks and then I’m going to act out of his will.   Now that’s something isn’t doing God’s will, I can hear God, but will I do his will.  That is something I’m working on with myself right now.   I say I can’t hear God he’s not speaking… New flash he is but we have seemed to train our ears to tune him out.  It’s God speaking and it’s not through our minds….get this it’s through our hearts…  Now that’s something isn’t it God speaking through our hearts.  You can feel your heart, how you might say well when it speak you feel the pain.  Wither it be through needs or love you can feel it.  I believe that God moves more through the actions of our hearts than anything else.  I know when something hits me and I’m like man, why did I say that or why did I do that, that is God tugging at your heart saying come on now daughter. Then before you know it your like I got to speak to that person I have to say I’m sorry.  That’s  what the world calls your conscience, but I feel that’s God.   It’s funny how we have misplaced his name with consciences to justified feeling we have.  So I know how do I pray to God…It’s been so long right. 

Ha ha no problem I’ll help.. Talk to God like you would talk to your friend tell him the good and the bad..

Wow so, yes I’m saying God wants to know you bad thoughts everything NEWS FLASH he already knows it but, you telling him shows your heart it tells him that, right here and right now you’re valuing his relationship with you. 
 Your valuing his response on your life your letting him know, like you would let your friends know I need you.  I think that is only half of the best part… one of the best thing is God sends his Angles to watch over you and fight your battles in the supernatural.. So command them to go before you their waiting on your faith to start speaking those things.. I can just image them saying Yes father God she’s getting it.  Just say Angel’s please go before me and protect the seen and unseen.  It’s like God wants to move he is just waiting for us to set the road map for the supernatural.  I just didn’t come up with this knowledge on my own but only by listening to the word of God. 
So if you want to learn more about God moving check out Samuel is a nice place to start with having the mindset of pray and hearing God's voice.  So  now you've had your cup of tea/coffee so enjoy your day.

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