Monday, February 13, 2012

Your Never Truly Forgotten

Feb, 13, 2012
      Did you ever wonder?  O.k. so I know I’m not the only one who has ever thought this but… Now you’re walking down the street or in the library and you see this person.
Your taken by surprise because this person favors someone you know who has passed away.  Your eyes gaze you can’t take your eyes off this person and you feel a little ashamed too because you know that person has now caught your gaze.  You smile and they return the favor. 
Now how can that be, this happens to me all the time.  I see a person and they many look just like someone I know or they have something that reminds me of that person.  I know this might be happening because I’m always looking at people not staring, but I like looking in the eyes of people.  I don’t know why, because to half of the world it doesn’t matter, in fact it’s so normal to just run about your day and not really see a person.  But I can’t, a wise person once told me that when you meet a person you look them in the eye and keep some kind of eye contact to say engaged in the conversation.  Now, I don’t mean look hard and become a stocker or anything but, look at the person… Now that is a craft.  So, now, here I am, engulfed with memories of those who have gone before us, all those love ones that captured our hearts.   I see it in a smile or a noise and in a walk or talk, but very rare, and I mean very rare can I actual see the person.  I mean I’m taking triple takes because they look just like them and then I can’t stop but to say, Thank God.  Because to me I had them again, if only just for this small moment of time, a small simple glance… For me I have them again.     
Signing out: Your never forgotten 

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