Monday, February 20, 2012

Sleeples Nights of An Art Girl

Feb 20, 2012

Ok. So I’m sleepy.   I wish I could just sleep and I will in a few minutes I haven’t even eaten yet but I’m not even hungry.  All I want to do is sleep is that even normal.   I enjoy my bed I enjoy that I’m a new member of Netflix and I can now watch what I want when I want.  I enjoy snuggling up in my covers while the sun is still shining.  I enjoy have a quite house so I can just sleep.  I do miss the business of life but hey that what the weekends are for.   I feel like sometimes I’m traveling to another continent and If I don’t try to at least reach out to people I maybe lost at sea.  So I send as many text messages out that I can, just so I can have a grasp of life, just so I know hey you’re not alone.  Then that moment comes when I get that text that said, I miss you 2 or Luv u Sis and then I know I’m not alone. 

Signing out:
Sleepless Nights of a 3shift Art girl.   

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